Thousand Islands Thousand Islands National Park is a marine conservation area in Indonesia which lies approximately 45 km to the geographical location of 5 ° 23 '- 5 ° 40' S, 106 ° 25 '- 106 ° 37' north Jakarta. Administratively TNKpS area in the district of Thousand Islands, located in the district of North Thousand Islands, located in three villages of Island Grill, Coconut Island, and the Island of Hope. Geographically National Park is located at 5 ° 24 '- 5 ° 45' S, 106 ° 25 '- 106 ° 40' E 'and covers 107,489 ha (Minister of Forestry Number 6310 / Kpt-II / 2002), comprising of sea area covering 107.489.ha (22,65% of Kepulauan Seribu regency waters) and 2 (Pulau Pulau Penjaliran Penjaliran West and East) area of 39.50 ha. Thus, the other islands (land area) of 108 real estate TNKpS not included in the Thousand Islands. Thousand Islands National Park is a marine conservation area in Indonesia which lies approximately 45 km to the geographical location of 5 ° 23 '- 5 ° 40' S, 106 ° 25 '- 106 ° 37' north Jakarta. Administratively TNKpS area in the district of Thousand Islands, located in the district of North Thousand Islands, located in three villages of Island Grill, Coconut Island, and the Island of Hope. Geographically National Park is located at 5 ° 24 '- 5 ° 45' S, 106 ° 25 '- 106 ° 40' E 'and covers 107,489 ha (Minister of Forestry Number 6310 / Kpt-II / 2002), comprising of sea area covering 107.489.ha (22,65% of Kepulauan Seribu regency waters) and 2 (Pulau Pulau Penjaliran Penjaliran West and East) area of 39.50 ha. Thus, the other islands (land area) of 108 real estate TNKpS not included in the Thousand Islands.
Jumat, 22 April 2016
Bahasa inggris 2
Abstract scientific research (Bahasa inggris bisnis 2)
Avi Septian Sena, 16212927
PI. Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University Gunadarma, 2015
Keywords: Influence, leadership and compensation, employee performance PT. Bekasi Express Media (KORAN RADAR BEKASI).
Leadership and compensation is the overall activities in order to influence people to cooperate to achieve a goal that is desirable together. If in a company created by the gap between leaders and subordinates, then there will be discomfort which will affect the performance of the employee. Many things influence with respect to the compensation and leadership.
In this study, the method used in this study using four methods: Validity, Test Realiabilitas and using test f and test t. So with mengugunakan these methods we will know the results are there in the leading role and compensation on employee performance.
Based on the results of the research that has been done, can be generated as follows: Variable Leadership Role partially no significant effect on the Performance of Employees PT. Bekasi Express Media (Newspaper Radar Bekasi). Variable compensation based on this research is partially affected the Employee Work Performance PT. Bekasi Express Media (Newspaper Radar Bekasi) and Variable Role of Leadership and Compensation simultaneously significant effect on Employee Job Performance PT. Bekasi Express Media (Newspaper Radar Bekasi).
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